The story so far…
In 2014, God gave Aaron a vision to see worship music - and more importantly, the worship experience - made more accessible to people outside of the church, so that they too could experience God’s love and power through the music, themselves.
And so setting out with a guitar, a street amplifier, and a vision - Aaron began to lead street worship around Newcastle city centre every week, where time and time again, he was amazed to see people who didn’t know Jesus experiencing His love and power for the first time.
After a year of going out by himself, God began to build a team around the ministry - with some people joining Aaron in leading worship by singing and playing instruments, and some engaging passersby and offering to pray with them. Soon they were partnering with churches and supporting their local outreach, as well as with other ministries like Healing On The Streets. Within a few years, the team would be regularly travelling around the North-East, and began equipping other Christians in the theology and practicalities of street worship.
After 9 years of leading Worship On The Streets around the North-East, Aaron began to sense it was time for him and his wife to move on, however, it wasn’t clear where to! In faith, they bought a caravan and began travelling around England for three months, in order to share the vision of street worship with other Christians and give them hands-on experience of what God does when we make worship accessible to people outside of the Church. Following three months of travel, Aaron and his wife settled in the Peak District, where they still live today. Aaron currently leads street worship in Sheffield city centre, where he partners with the local 24/7 House Of Prayer. He also leads the Worship On The Streets Hub, a monthly online gathering for street worshippers across the UK, and through which, national days of street worship are coordinated.
To book Aaron to speak at your church or to train your team in how to lead street worship in your local village, town, or city centre, please get in touch via the button below: