Join us every month online, where we seek to gather, equip, and release street worshippers from all over the UK. We welcome Christians from all denominations, who are interested in any form of street worship - dance, guitar-led, instrumental, EDM etc. We have people who are entirely new to street worship as well as those who have been involved for years, so whatever your level of experience, you would be welcome to join us.
We meet on the last Tuesday of each month, between 7:15-8:30pm, and our sessions include a mixture of sharing testimonies, praying for one another, teaching sessions with guest speakers, and looking specific topics related to street worship, such as the theology of street worship, how to build a team, and how to engage churches with our ministries.
We also coordinate national days of street worship, where we invite Christians, worship leaders, and worship bands, to go into their villages, towns, and cities to lead worship at the same time, starting with the same song, as a united declaration of God’s love over the UK, as well as encouraging those new to street worship to give it a go. You can watch a video from our first-ever National Day Of Street Worship, which took place on 22nd June, 2024, below:
To join the Hub, please email Aaron at info@worshiponthestreets.co.uk or send your details via the Contact button below:

WOTS HUB - Session 6
Join us for the Worship On The Streets Hub, where we’ll be hearing testimonies from our day of street worship, giving thanks to God for all that He has done, and hearing about what’s next for the Worship On The Streets Hub.

WOTS HUB - A Day of Street Worship!
Today is the day! We are inviting Christians and churches to take their worship out of the church and onto the streets - as groups of friends, worship bands, whole churches - in parks, towns, and city centres! Wherever you are, join us for a co-ordinated time of street worship in your location, as we worship God on the streets, and sing a blessing over the UK.

WOTS HUB - Session 5
Join us for our Worship On The Streets Hub, where we’ll be praying for the National Day Of Street Worship - we’ll be committing the day and each other to God, listening for prophetic words, and encouraging each other to step out in what God has planned for each of us in our locations.

WOTS HUB - Session 4
Join us for our Worship On The Streets Hub, where we’ll be looking at the power of partnership - Should I go out on to the streets with my church? Does street worship work with traditional evangelism? What role does street worship play in healing?

WOTS HUB - Session 3
Join us for our third Worship On The Streets Hub, where we’ll be looking at the practicalities of starting and maintaining a street worship ministry - Do I need a license? What gear will I need? Do I need a team?

WOTS HUB - Session 2
Join us for our second Worship On The Streets Hub, where we’ll be discussing the theology of street worship - Where is it in the Bible? Where is it in the history of the Church? What beliefs are underpinning this ministry?

WOTS HUB - Session 1
Join us for our first Worship On The STreets Hub - we will be asking “What is God up to with street worship?” and sharing stories of how God called us into street worship, what we have seen Him do, and where we think He is leading us.